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Anuncios clasificados - Polseguera
Browsing and Finding Ads Posting New Ads Ad Maintenance User Registration Other System Features
User Registration Information
User Registration
User Registration is a vital part of being able to use the Anuncios clasificados - Polseguera Classified Ads System. Many features including the ability to post ads to the system require user registration. If you are presented with a login screen and have not become a registered user, you should click on the register link This will allow you to complete the brief registration form and proceed.

Your Privacy
All information on the registration form is required. You will also be required to provide a unique Nick Name and Password which will identify you on our system. The only information which is displayed on the system when you post an ad is your Nick Name and City/Province. When you are posting an ad, you may elect to display your phone number for contact purposes or choose to not display this information.

If you would like more information on our Privacy Policy regarding your personal information, please read the Privacy Policy for Anuncios clasificados - Polseguera.

Related Topics:
Modifying My Profile

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